We give inventors
the chance to value
their tech

when it matters the most.

What is Kryptulip?

Kryptulip is an investment platform that connects inventors and new technology enthusiasts. It associates NFTs (non-fungible tokens) with IP assets. Inventors design the rewards they will offer in exchange for the purchase of NFTs by investors.

Why should I associate
NFTs with my IP assets?

NFTs allow you to obtain value from your IP while remaining the owner of your patents.. Investors will be able to buy these NFTs on the Kryptulip platform. For example, this will allow you to accelerate your developments, to improve your technology, to expand your IP protection abroad,... In other words, Kryptulip will give you a boost in your whole innovation process.

What do I need to generate NFTs?

To generate NFTs, you will need to submit a published IP asset on Kryptulip platform. In addition, you will need to provide some information about your technology associated with this IP asset, your company, as well as your team, to allow investors to know you better. A proof of representation of your company will also be required to generate NFTs. Depending on the rewards chosen, some additional information may be requested.

Why should I associate
NFTs with my IP assets?

NFTs allow you to obtain value from your IP while remaining the owner of your patents.. Investors will be able to buy these NFTs on the Kryptulip platform. For example, this will allow you to accelerate your developments, to improve your technology, to expand your IP protection abroad,... In other words, Kryptulip will give you a boost in your whole innovation process.

What do I need to generate NFTs?

To generate NFTs, you will need to submit a published IP asset on Kryptulip platform. In addition, you will need to provide some information about your technology associated with this IP asset, your company, as well as your team, to allow investors to know you better. A proof of representation of your company will also be required to generate NFTs. Depending on the rewards chosen, some additional information may be requested.

What I need to know as an inventor

Patent applications and patents for the beta version. The patent application must have been published. The validity of the title will be checked by our team.

You are free to use this money to develop your technology in the way that will benefit you most. For example, you can reinvest them in innovation to help your technology emerge in the countries of your choice. Feel free to inform investors the next step of your innovation process to build your community.

Kryptulip offers you a wide range of rewards, such as shares in the company, a percentage of your turnover or a predefined yield, among which you can make your choice.

Smart contracts will be issued between the investors and you, which will allow you to secure and simplify the transactions.

Together, build tomorrow’s innovation

I want to join Kryptulip’s ecosystem for funding and promoting innovation

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Contact Us

Get in Touch with us! Feel free to send us an email
at contact@kryptulip.com

Be the first to invest in
tomorrow’s innovation